Renovations, Single Family, Multi-Family, Commercial
The Hard Facts
Everyone knows competition is heavy in the builder industry in Calgary. With so many housing and renovation starts in town, combined with the sheer number of developers and builders operating, it is imperative clients and end users are very happy with the project's final finishes. This ensures clients refer you as a builder or come back for more quality builds from you.
We all know that depends heavily on quality, durability, and longevity of the FINISHES in the project, the integrity of warranties you are able to provide, and finally, the number and severity of deficiencies in the project after substantial completion.
In order to achieve high quality finishes and decrease/eliminate warranty callbacks and deficiencies in finishes and/or flooring, a few things must be in place.
1) Specification of correct quality finishing materials
2) Correct handling/acclimatization of the said finishing materials
3) Quality and expertise in installation of the said material
As a proud supplier and installer of Green Life Hardwood products, we can assure the supply, acclimatization, and installation of the correct hardwood flooring for your project.
Using over 37 years experience in the flooring industry, Green Life has created an amazing lineup of solid and engineered products that are custom made for durability, stability, safety, and longevity. So you can have a worry free building material without taking chances with warranties, repairs, and deficiencies.